What’s the “Big Idea” About Ideas? Pt. 2

Thu Jan 24 2019 /
Andrew Hurley

What’s the “Big Idea” About Ideas? Pt. 2

Thanks for coming back to read part two of our Big Ideas blog post. You can refresh your memory on the first part here. We’re uncovering the truth behind how we develop ideas in the first place and finding out which method will lead you (potentially) to be a packaging genius!

How you think defines you, and there are three main ways we view and explore situations. First, there is reactionary thinking, which is an emotional, gut-feel, and more caveman-like. This is the typical thought process.

Second, there is linear progression, which is a rational, logical or linear processing of a series of ideas, whereby you eliminate prospective solutions until the ideal solution is determined. This is a smart thought process.

Third, there is the exploited process, whereby you generate a number of ideas, allowing them to merge into a unique and tailored solution. This is known as a genius method of thinking.

There are certain things that set apart the typical mind from the genius mind. And one such thing is the embracing of neutrality. Geniuses embrace neutrality. This is not common to the typical mind. Most humans look at a possibility or problem and filter it through the lens of our experiences. Case in point – if you are a firm believer in God, you will see evidence of God everywhere you look. If you are an atheist, you will see the absence of God all around you.

Once Thomas Edison was approached by an assistant while working on the filament for the light bulb. The assistant asked Edison why he didn’t give up.

After all,” he said, “you have failed 5000 times.” Edison looked at him and told him that he didn’t understand what the assistant meant by failure, because, Edison said, “I have discovered 5000 things that don’t work.”

You construct your own reality (paradigm) by how you choose to interpret your experiences

It’s not easy to remove your paradigm, to look at things neutrally. But here are some strategies to help move you toward a more neutral way of thinking:

  • Never trust first thoughts. You’re too comfortable with yourself.

  • Address problems on the problem’s terms, not your own.

  • Identify as many alternatives as possible; force multiple perspectives.

A genius selects the path forward that no one else has taken.

Take a walk. Think of the issue metaphorically. Ask someone else how they would solve the issue – ask a child, a grandparent, someone with a different perspective than your own.

Stay tuned next week for our final blog post about the methods employed by geniuses, and ways you can get those big ideas formulating.

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