Time Keeps on Slipping…

Tue Jul 09 2019 /
Kevin Keigley

Time Keeps on Slipping…


In August of 1976, the Steve Miller Band released a song called “Fly like an Eagle.” Whenever I think about how time seems to be whizzing by me at the speed of light, those lyrics go through my mind.

Tick Tock D-D Doo Doo
Time keeps on slippin’ (slippin’ slippin’) into the future…

Do you realize that the year is half over?
That can be scary, right?
Maybe—especially if you haven’t accomplished the goals you set for yourself.
. . . if you even set any goals.


Even though the year is half over, that also means that there’s half a year left.
There’s STILL time to accomplish goals… or make some (if you haven’t yet).
There’s STILL time for you to fly like an eagle and level up your packaging career with The Packaging School!

Watch this video, and then click here.

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